Homemade Minty Clove Mouthwash Recipe
Homemade Minty Clove Mouthwash Recipe for Fresh Breath
Clove and clove oil is old remedy for toothache and gum disease. This spice possess certain properties which not only relieve pain and sting caused while eating or drinking but also diffuses inflammation and heals cuts in gums to keep dentures protected. It has been found as the most effective against pyorrhoea. People suffering with cavities in teeth where bacteria finds a place to thrive face seriously repelling breath and pain.
Clove oil and cloves have been used in ayurvedic remedies to control pain and eliminate bacterial accumulation from cavities. Simply brushing teeth does not guarantee protection for gums and teeth. Even if one does it twice or thrice in a day toothbrush cannot clean entire mouth as it has limited reach. To ensure complete cleanliness one needs to use strong and effective mouthwash too so that bacteria present in any corner of mouth can be controlled and prevented from breeding.
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Side Effects of Commercial Mouthwashes
Today one can find massive variety of commercial mouthwashes all claiming great results and complete protection from bad breath, tooth decay and gum problems. These commercial mouthwashes may or may not fulfil what they promise but they certainly supplement compounds and salts which they never mention.
Once a person rinses with mouthwash some part of it goes into esophagus with saliva and reaches digestive tract. Compounds and chemicals mixed in commercial mouthwashes for fragrance, different essences used for taste and salts and other compounds to make it fizzy, all are hazardous for health and in the long run can be harmful for dentures too.
Some mouthwashes possess ingredients which are too harsh for delicate gums and enamel. Regular use of these has corrosive effects and harm dentures irreversibly. We here provide homemade mouthwash recipe which can be used to prepare minty clove mouthwash for clean mouth, healthy gums and strong teeth without any side effects.
Benefits of Mint and Clove for Teeth and Gum
Mint and clove both are powerful anti-fungal and also sources of antioxidant. These possess anti-inflammatory properties which handle issues related to mouth, gums and teeth efficiently. The mouthwash prepared by using these spices as main ingredient provides many benefits and suppresses growth of bacteria in mouth. It also arrests development of pyorrhoea and resolves problems like bleeding, swollen and receding gums.
Minty clove mouthwash helps in maintaining secretion of fluids in mouth to keep dry mouth problem away, most of the commercial mouthwash come with problem of dryness in mouth. The harsh chemicals and salts present in these inhibit saliva secretion and cause dryness which over a period of time not only allows bacteria to flourish but also makes eating difficult.
Minty clove mouthwash prepared at home is excellent for maintaining fluid secretion in mouth healthy which keeps taste buds active and mouth free from deposition of bacteria and germs. It prevents swelling in gums and reaches every corner of mouth to keep it clean and breath fresh all day long.
Use of minty clove mouthwash by keeping saliva secretion healthy, eliminating bacterial activities and checking growth of germs in cavities and pyorrhoea provides sweet and fresh smelling breath along with cleanliness. It also helps in keeping teeth sparkling white by preventing staining and damage to enamel. It improves effects of brushing and protects mouth from even internal problems like hyperacidity which corrodes enamel and raises bad breath problem.
How to Make Minty Clove Mouthwash at Home?
- Cloves
- Cinnamon
- Peppermint Essential Oil
Collect ingredients for thishomemade mouthwash recipe. These are one cup of water, one teaspoon of whole cloves, one teaspoon of grounded cinnamon and four drops of peppermint essential oil. Coarsely ground cloves and put water in a bowl over a low flame. Add grounded cloves, peppermint oil and grounded cinnamon to water and cover the bowl with a lid. Let the mixture come to a boil and remove it from the heat. Allow it to come down to normal temperature.
Remove the lid and strain and keep it in an airtight glass bottle in refrigerator. Take out in sufficient quantity and keep it close when you brush. Rinse your mouth with water to remove traces of toothpaste and take a swig of mouth freshener. Rotate it in your mouth thoroughly after brushing and hold it for 15 to 30 seconds so that tissues of tongue, cheeks and gums can absorb the goodness of ingredients properly. Gargle before you spit it out. Repeat once or twice as per your needs.
You can make it in larger quantity by increasing quantity of ingredients in the same ratio. Use it every time you brush and on regular basis to cleanse your mouth, keep your breath fresh all day long and recover from frustrating gums and teeth problems.
Another way of using this homemade mouthwash recipe is pour the liquid in a spray bottle and use as mouth spray. Make sure that spray bottle is of glass as plastic or other material like fibre can contaminate the liquid and make it less effective. Spray in your mouth as and when you need to get rid of bad or stale breath and keep mouth free from bacterial and fungal proliferation.
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