Homemade Natural Decongestant Recipes
Homemade Natural Decongestant Recipes
Congestion in nasal passage and chest can be highly discomforting and even cause exhaustion by reducing supply of oxygen to cells. If congestion is not treated it can turn into serious health problems like pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma etc. Excessive cough formation is major reason behind chest and nasal congestion. Cough is produced by body to clear lungs from debris, dust and particles of other substances like metals, residue of gases and pollutants which enter through breath and are filtered by lungs. But when a person is exposed to highly polluted, contaminated or toxic environment body secretes cough in excess amount. Whenever we breathe in smoke our nasal fluids begin to flow due to body’s attempt to clear the substances coming in with smoke. Whenever person is attacked and gets infected by virus it triggers excessive cough formation.
Cough due to infection gets hard and sticky quickly and does not pass out easily. It sticks and stays to cause blockages in airways and heavy coughing, sneezing etc., along with chest or nasal congestion. OTC decongestant contains chemicals and ingredients which are not suitable for everyone. These are also hazardous for health after long term use. Homemade natural decongestant is safe, highly effective and suitable for people of all ages. These decongestants are beneficial in few other ways which makes them a far better choice than OTC decongestants. Here are few recipes to make natural decongestant at home and prevent problem of cough from aggravating and provide smooth breathing.
Homemade Natural Decongestant Recipes
- Coconut oil
- Shea butter
- Essential oil
Essential oils provide very effective and fast-acting homemade natural decongestant. Take one-fourth cup of coconut oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, one-fourth cup of shea butter, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 20 drops of peppermint essential oil and 25 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix coconut and shea butter in a blender, when these form a smooth and even mixture add all the essential oils and whip again for 30 to 45 seconds. Collect the entire content and store in a glass jar with airtight lid. Apply some of it over chest, back and throat to clear congestion. If you have nasal congestion take half teaspoon of it and add to a glass of boiling water, inhale the steam to pass mucous in nasal passage out. It brings sound and relaxing sleep and does not cause dryness in nasal passage.
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cayenne pepper
- Honey
- Lemon juice
- Ginger
Take one-fourth cup of apple cider vinegar, half teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 3 tablespoons of honey, one-fourth cup of lemon juice and half teaspoon of ginger powder. Now mix apple cider vinegar and lemon juice and put in a bowl over a low flame to heat. When mixture becomes warm add honey, cayenne pepper and ginger powder. Stir the mixture few times and take it off from the flame. Allow the mixture to cool down and keep stirring so that pepper and powder get dissolved. Strain and store the mixture in a glass bottle with airtight lid. Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of it one or few times in a day to clear out excess cough and treat congestion. This is one of the oldest homemade natural decongestant recipes.
There is another recipe for homemade natural decongestant provided by apple cider vinegar. Take one-fourth cup of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a bowl and add one-fourth cup of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey. Whisk the mixture to mix all the ingredients and later add half teaspoon of cayenne pepper, one teaspoon of dried ginger powder, half teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper. Now whisk the mixture again thoroughly till all the ingredients get mixed completely. Store this syrup in an airtight glass jar and keep it in refrigerator. Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons daily or as needed to clear the congestion quickly.
- Radishes
- Garlic
- Onion
- Honey
- Lemon juice
You can try another recipe for natural decongestant made by vegetables. Take 5 to 6 radishes, 5 to 6 cloves of garlic, one small red onion and one cup each of honey and fresh lemon juice. Clean the vegetables by washing with water and peel off onion and cut it into small pieces. Do the same with radishes and grate garlic cloves as well. Put all the vegetable pieces in a blender and process till you get paste like consistency. Add honey and lemon juice and blend again. Consume one or two tablespoons of the mixture and store remaining in an airtight glass jar. Put the jar in refrigerator for future use. In case of children give one tablespoon of it with each dose.
- Coconut oil
- Peppermint essential oil
Coconut oil and peppermint essential oil provide simplest recipe for homemade natural decongestant. Take two tablespoons of coconut oil and heat it mildly to dissolve the lumps. Add 2 to 3 drops of peppermint essential oil or eucalyptus essential oil. Allow it to cool down and apply over chest or under nose to clear the congestion naturally.
All these are recipes for natural decongestant which provide safe and natural treatment to the problem without any side effects. These can clear even most stubborn or old congestion easily and protect health from complications.
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