Herbal Prostate Supplements
₹1,000 – ₹3,600
Prostocure capsules are the best ayurvedic herbal prostate supplements that possess the inherent qualities of diffusing and reversing prostate enlargement. Buy Prostocure capsules online in India and improve male health naturally.
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Ayurvedic Herbal Prostate Supplements
Prostate gland is a small walnut shaped gland found in males surrounding urethra that undertakes numerous crucial tasks. The main function of prostate gland is to produce milky, white and alkaline fluid which comprises of 30% of semen secreted by males. Prostate gland also contains smooth muscles that aid in expelling out semen during ejaculation. This gland is vital in males as it produces spermatozoa which have better motility and can survive for a longer time in female genitalia. Hence, health of prostate gland can considerably alter the potency and virility in men.
This gland is more prone to suffer from BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia that is characterized by benign or noncancerous enlargement of prostate gland size. This enhancement in the size of prostate can severely obstruct smooth flow of urine as it blocks the urethra. There can be several causes behind BPH among which some are avoidable while other unavoidable. Abusive sexual behavior starting from young age or engaging in over masturbation causing excessive strain on prostate gland is the primary reason for causing enlargement in prostate gland. Other major causes include aging effects, obesity, family history, bad lifestyle and, suffering from poor circulation, heart diseases or diabetes.
Herbal Supplements for Enlarged Prostate or BPH
Distressing signs and symptoms appearing due to enlarged prostate are urgency to urinate, increased frequency of urination, straining while urinating, difficulty in starting urination, restricted or weak urine stream, dribbling at the end of urination, inability to empty the bladder completely, blood in urine, and, urinary tract infections. As it is a sensitive matter of a male’s potency, he should not take risk and choose allopathic remedies as they are not free of side-effects. Herbal prostate supplements are the best the when it comes to dealing with prostate enlargement in a safe, natural and all-round manner.
Selection of a perfect ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate is a tedious task as not all herbal BPH supplements show effective results. A correct blend of herbs and minerals is necessary for rendering these herbal prostate supplements efficient and reliable. Prostocure capsules are remarkable herbal prostate supplements that fulfill all special requirements of being highly effective as well as safe ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate. Prostocure capsules are packed with renowned herbal ingredients like Gokshura Extract, Putikaranja, Shatavari Extract, Elaichi, Puga, Akik Pishti and, Varuna Extract which are blended together in a unique proportion.
This unique herbal blend of Prostocure capsules is the key reason behind popularity and all round effectiveness of these herbal prostate supplements which not only show effective results but are also absolutely safe for male health. Prostocure capsules possess the inherent qualities of diffusing and reversing prostate enlargement along with inflammation of prostate gland. All the frustrating symptoms such as urinary blockage, increased frequency of urination, etc. are relieved in to time and Prostocure capsules also act as suitable preventive measure for avoiding occurrence of BPH altogether. These pure herbal prostate supplements ease the strain and relieve pressure on urethra to facilitate smooth passage of urine. Whatever be the cause of enlarged prostate, Prostocure capsules are effective enough to tackle them in a holistic fashion.
Severe cases of BPH may also lead to kidney damage and urinary tract infections but our ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate prevents these conditions in getting worse. Due to circulatory diseases, men have decreased blood flow which lessens the supply of blood and oxygen. This poor supply of nutrients and oxygen further aggravates the enlarged prostate problem. Prostocure capsules keep the blood circulation upbeat and maintain optimum supply of blood and nutrition towards male reproductive system. Men who are employed in jobs that require long hours of sitting work also commonly suffer from BPH and these ayurvedic prostate supplements tackle this situation too. Even effects of aging and diseases are alleviated by Prostocure capsules so as to soothe the symptoms amazingly.
Sluggish and weak reproductive system is also a primary contributing factor for enlarged prostate and Prostocure herbal prostate supplements enhance the reproductive functions impressively. Hormonal secretion is improved and pressure on prostate gland is comforted. Endurance of males is increased so that their potency and virility is maximized and they perform fiercely in bed. Unlike allopathic medicines, Prostocure herbal prostate supplements tend to find out the root cause of the condition and then uproot the underlying reason of the enlarged prostate issue.
Allopathic remedies usually suppress the symptoms and make males addicted so that they keep on purchasing those pills. No traces of chemicals, artificial fillers or synthetic substances are found in Prostocure herbal BPH supplements so that zero risk of side-effects is there. Males can freely consume Prostocure capsules for as long as they want without any fear of withdrawal effects or health hazards. It is recommended by our herbal experts to consume Prostocure capsules continuously for 3 to 4 months in order to get long-lasting and marvelous results.
Gokshura Ext., Putikaranja, Shatavari Ext., Varuna Ext., Puga, Akik Pishti and Elaichi
Directions of Use
Men should take 1 to 2 Prostocure capsules twice a day with water or milk. They should continue the intake of these ayurvedic prostate supplements for 3 to 4 months to experience good results.
Popular terms: Prostocure capsules in Indian rupees, price of Prostocure capsules in India, ayurvedic capsules to improve prostate health, ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate, ayurvedic treatment for prostate enlargement, ayurvedic remedies for BPH
Additional information
ORIGIN | India |
BRAND | Ayurved Research Foundation |
PACKAGING | Plastic Sealed Bottle Pack |
Excellent product to cure enlarged prostate problem! A big thanks to this supplement!
It made me proud. I am 60 years old and facing problems related to prostate. BPH happens to every male after an age, but it is frustrating. Could not urinate, needed to go to loo every hour and most sickening was incontinence and dribbling of seminal fluids in underpants. I chose this supplement, my friends laughed at me, told me it is fake and useless. But nowafter few months of use I am laughing at them. They are without prostate and I am living a better life with healthy one.
Always enjoyed longer foreplay, I found ways to prolong it till my girl begs to penetrate, never knew it is affecting my gland. But once it did life was pathetic. Urinating was punishment and so was lovemaking, manhood ached like old wound after stiffness and could not make love at all. By using this supplement not only I was free from urinating problems and pain but my potency improved, I was discharging quite an amount and my climaxes were exhilarating. Thanks to maker of this supplement.