Homemade Coconut Oil And Aloe Vera Gel Skin Moisturizer Recipes
Homemade Skin Moisturizer Recipes for Soft and Smooth Skin
Coconut oil and Aloe Vera gel are part of skin treatment through traditional methods. Even in most of commercial skin creams and gels these are used as major ingredients due to their versatile properties and benefits. Aloe Vera gel is regarded as the best sunscreen. It is best protection against Sun and UV rays present in sunlight which cause skin darkening and formation of dark spots, age spots and uneven tone of skin. This gel is powerful germicide and anti-infective. People suffering with skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes etc. are recommended use of Aloe Vera gel on regular basis to treat and control these problems. Ability of this gel to cleanse skin and make it free from infection causing agents make it very useful in treating variety of skin conditions. Application of this gel nourishes skin by preventing dry and oily skin conditions.
The ingredients of this gel remove dead cells and keep skin pores open. These also seep down the skin and improve functions of sebaceous glands which secrete sebum. Over-activity of these glands causes oily skin condition and makes it greasy and sticky to allow growth of bacteria and other germs. Underactive sebaceous glands or blocked skin pores raise problem of dry skin which is also prone to suffer with infections. People embarrassed due to marks, scars or stretch marks over skin are also recommended to use Aloe Vera gel to gain smooth skin. This gel generates cells at faster pace and lightens scars and marks naturally. Here you will find couple of homemade skin moisturizer recipes which utilize all the benefits of Aloe Vera gel and coconut oil and provide most effective natural lotion for skin.
Homemade skin moisturizer recipes include coconut oil and other ingredients to enhance effects of the resultant lotion. Coconut oil is also widely used for treating skin problems and blemishes. Coconut oil is natural moisturizer and keeps skin soft and smooth. It contains natural fats which treat dry skin condition very efficiently and provide natural softness and smoothness to skin. Like Aloe Vera gel coconut oil is also very useful for dissolving marks and spots on skin. It can lighten and remove even marks of injuries and black spot due to severe trauma.
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Homemade Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Moisturizer Recipes
Massages with coconut oil handle most stubborn skin conditions like acne, psoriasis etc. very efficiently. It is powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial which makes it very useful for keeping skin free from germs, allergens and infectious agents and prevent and treat skin problems. It is excellent anti-ageing as well. Regular use of coconut oil for skin slows down process of ageing, prevent blemishes like lines, wrinkles and age-spots and keep a person look younger than his or her age for longer period in life. Our homemade skin moisturizer recipes utilize natural and effective benefits of coconut and Aloe Vera gel and provide very effective homemade coconut oil and Aloe Vera gel moisturizer which handles variety of skin conditions and improves its tone, softness and suppleness.
- Aloe Vera gel
- Coconut oil
- Essential oil
For first recipe of homemade coconut oil and Aloe Vera gel moisturizer cut one or two leaves of Aloe Vera plant and extracts their gel out. Blend this gel till it becomes smooth and collect two tablespoons of blended gel. Add half cup of extra virgin coconut oil in solid form, do not use melted oil as it will make consistency very thin. Blend these two together till you get a fluffy and frosty-like consistency. Add few drops of any essential oil of your choice. This step is optional and you can skip if you do not want essential oil to be used. You can add lavender or peppermint oil and mix again. Store this moisturizing lotion in a glass jar with airtight lid and use in sufficient quantity on regular basis to gain smooth, radiant and supple skin.
Recommended reading:
- Aloe Vera gel
- Coconut oil
- Vitamin E oil
- Peppermint oil
To make homemade coconut oil and Aloe Vera gel moisturizer here is recipe no. 2. Collect fresh Aloe Vera gel as mentioned above but do not blend it. Take two tablespoons of melted coconut oil and put it in a blender, add four teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel to the blender. Add one teaspoon of vitamin E oil and process the mixture for few minutes. In few minutes you will get frosty and fluffy mixture, add few drops of essential oil of your choice like peppermint or lavender and mix again. Store this in an airtight glass jar and apply as and when needed.
Due to vitamin E oil this recipe provides even better moisturizer which also works as powerful anti-ageing. Vitamin E oil enhances flow of blood and provides tightness to skin by increasing production of collagen. This moisturizer is for regular use and you can replace expensive cosmetic creams, gels and moisturizers with this for better and safe results. This moisturizer also protects skin from harmful effects of cheap cosmetic products and creams.
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