Homemade Natural Deodorant Recipes
Make Natural Deodorant at Home to Get Rid of Body Odor
Sweating or perspiration is necessary phenomenon of the human body. If this process is not regular and proper cells of the skin may end up having massive toxin accumulation which can even go deep down in the body and get mixed-up with bloodstream to play havoc over health. Perspiration also releases toxins and excess salts not required by the body and lower their level in bloodstream. Along with these sweat is responsible for preventing bodily temperatures from going dangerously up.
During strenuous activities body releases sweat to keep internal systems healthy and prevent excessive heat build-up inside. But all is not well with perspiration, it creates smell which can ostracize a person for whole day, some perspire so profusely that marks of dried sweat can be seen over clothes from outside which make a person look shabby.
Benefits of Homemade Natural Deodorants
There are hoards of deodorants marketed over internet and other media which suppress smell rising after perspiration and also prevent excessive release of fluids through skin. Artificial ingredients used in these deodorants in long run can be dangerous for skin. Regular application of cosmetic deodorants can irritate skin and even cause marks and rough texture of skin.
Homemade deodorants are not only safe but also effective and suitable for regular use over all types of skin. Here we have listed few recipes to make homemade natural deodorants which will keep you smelling sweet and also protected from perspiration.
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Homemade Natural Deodorant Recipes
- Baking soda
- Arrowroot powder
- Coconut oil
- Essential oil
This is one of the simplest recipes to make homemade natural deodorant. Take half cup of baking soda and half cup of arrowroot or non-GMO corn starch powder; add coconut oil in sufficient quantity to make the mixture moist. Blend the mixture in a blender till all the ingredients mix. You can add few drops of essential oil before blending to make it sweet smelling.
Essential oils like bergamot, patchouli, rosemary etc., can be used for fragrance along with perspiration control. Even tea tree oil can be used it is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal too and protect damp and moist parts of the body from bacteria which is mainly responsible for causing repelling smell after sweating.
- Shea butter
- Arrowroot powder
- Coconut oil
- Essential oil
Another recipe to make homemade natural deodorant includes almost all the above mentioned ingredients with only difference that it uses shea butter too. This deodorant is for skin with dryness and sensitivity. It is smooth and can be applied in large volume to maintain moisture and prevent sudden perspiration which body triggers to overcome dryness over skin. If proper essential oil is used, it protects skin from bacterial growth which makes a person smelly.
Take 3 tablespoon each of coconut oil and baking soda and add 2 tablespoon each of arrowroot or organic corn starch powder, add 10 drops of essential oil of your choice. You can choose from tea tree oil, rosemary, patchouli or any other of your choice for all day long sweet fragrance. Blend the mixture till it mixes smoothly and evenly.
Store it in a dry glass bottle or container with air tight lid to prevent moisture from sneaking in. Apply after taking it in the finger over skin particularly in the areas which sweat regularly.
- Coconut oil
- Beeswax beads
- Baking soda
- Arrowroot powder
- Clay
- Tea tree oil
- Essential oil
Another popular recipe for homemade deodorants goes as. Take one and one-third cups of extra virgin coconut oil, one and half tablespoon of beeswax beads, one-fourth cup of baking soda, three-fourth cup of arrowroot powder, 2 tablespoons of clay, 25 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of any other essential oil of your choice.
Mix coconut oil and beeswax beads and heat the mixture over a low heat, let both of these melt and mix, when these begin to melt remove from heat and keep stirring for five minutes to mix them evenly.
Mix other ingredients except essential oils and keep the mixture in fridge to allow it to harden again quickly. Take it out add essential oils and stir and mix, keep in cool place or fridge overnight and in the morning store in a suitable container. Apply decent quantity of this homemade deodorant over armpits and other areas regularly.
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Final Words
The abovementioned recipes to make homemade natural deodorants are safe for all types of skin. Some may have extra-ordinary sensitive skin and may feel bit of irritation due to tea tree oil can try other essential oil which does not cause any sensitivity issue.
These homemade deodorants are stainless and do not form any mark over your expensive or favourite clothes. You can test these by applying directly over any cloth and wash off in the morning of after few hours.
Use of these deodorants keeps skin healthy. It is not advisable to use anti-perspiration agents which can block the skin pores to stop sweat from flowing out, blocking sweat beneath the skin is hazardous for health.
Natural deodorants actually control over-activity of sweat glands and eliminate bacteria which get accumulated over skin to resolve the problem naturally and safely. Regular use of homemade anti-perspiration lotion improves health of skin and curbs the problem of repelling smell effectively.
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